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Hey and welcome to our projects page! You will find our plans for future content. We can only work so fast as humans. If you want to see our list of projects hover above the projects button above to see the drop down list.

Indie Game Project

I'm currently working full time, and slaving over a video game project with an extremely small rookie team to try our hand in amateur game design.

Current Game Engine - RPG Maker MV

RPG Maker Script Engine - Moghunter

You can find his engine here at -

There is so much support and help from the RPGMaker VX and MV community. Of course the programmers and content creators will be in the credits as well. A lot of the plugins are made by the community which will be posted when I had a steady base of the game.

Valkirie - Show-G
00:00 / 00:00

Currently Looking for a freelance artist

As much as I like to keep it in the family, that isn't a option. Due to everyone having different schedules, and obligations. I need some help in this area.

Bust Artist - (Have 1 person already)
Someone that can portray my vision of the characters in the game. Must agree that their art can be commercial use in our future projects.

Art and Illustration
This area is needed to project the feeling and emotions of character development and memories though art. Must agree that their art can be commercial use in our future projects.

Currently looking for Voice Actors

Looking for voice actors for the game. Must be able to voice act attacks sounds, one liners, and play the part of a character as the story progresses.

Character Role
Small Background

Main 1

Main 2

Ruler 1

Broken Hero












Dark / Hopeful


Greedy, Generous

Descendant of an outside world.

Main 1's best friend and Royal Guard.

Ruler of 1 of the 3 kingdoms & father figure.

Ex-Royal Guard, Mentor. In Stasis due to war.

Daughter of Ruler 1, Ex-General.

Young thief forced to steal alone.

More parts will be added later as more gets done. We are still in a small tech Demo stage that only a few people tried and demoed. Voice acting will be done in my mini studio unless told otherwise. A normal mic will not suffice in voice acting.

Map Design - (Have 1 person already)

Map design of a game is really important. Must have an eye for art, and visual aesthetics. No experience is necessary, but the program is. Unless you are an experienced Photoshop user.

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